74. The Board game on soviet history

A game board from the 1980’s found in the museum of International Memorial becomes the basis for a modern game


In 2009 Susanna Pechuro, an ex-political prisoner, donated a game board to our museum, which was given to her by Lubov Kabo . We cannot tell definitely when this game was created or by whom, however that museum object laid the foundation of a new board game.  

The theme of the game is family history in the 20th century. The characters are tied in events that set the history of USSR and the whole world: the soviet revolution and civil war, war communism and NEP, GULAG camps and the second world war, the Khrushchev thaw and the era of stagnation,  the Prague spring and Perestroika. The original rules unfortunately have been lost, because of this we had to create the game from scrap as if it was originally made today.

If you have information on the original version of the game or any comments on the modern version write to [email protected]

Materials used in creating the game:

People who participated in the reconstruction of the game: Natalia Baryshnikova, Nikita Lomakin, Alexei Makarov, Anna Sokolova, Vasily Starostin, Natalia Stefanovich, Natalia Rakitina, Margarita Khakhanova, Svetlana Shuranova.

Design Bureau Verstak with participation from Alexandra Bespalova.

Crowdfunding campaign

About the game:

Семен Шешенин. Пережить двадцатый век // urokiistorii.ru, 30.11.2017

Тиф, ГУЛАГ и укус гюрзы // svoboda.org, 10.12.2017

Екатерина Воробьева. Как прожить чужую жизнь // «Новая газета», 13.12.2017


Фонд имени Генриха Бёлля